The safety and animal welfare requirements vary depending on the type of animal and the performance element. In most cases issues on set are due to allergies, phobias, bites, stings or scratches.
Bird droppings have potential to cause disease, generally to the lungs, respiratory system or digestive system. Often these diseases do not make birds appear ill but can cause serious illness in humans.
Farm animals can cause injuries but also can be unpredictable and should be treated with caution at all times.
When using horses in a production, it's crucial to prioritise their safety and welfare to ensure they are treated humanely, and to avoid accidents.
Pests and vermin can pose various hazards that can impact the health and safety of employees, as well as the integrity of the work environment
Animals can cause injury, infection or infestation from micro-organisms or parasites, allergic reactions and some people also have phobias about particular kinds of animals.