
Lasers: Generic Risk Assessment

The use of hazardous lasers with high radiant powers (typically from 200mW to 40W+ i.e. class 3B &4 lasers) requires action to control the risk of a significant eye injury.

High power lasers with radiant powers that exceed around 500mW may also burn skin on contact and can be a fire risk.

Lighting: Generic Risk Assessment

Lighting carries many potential risks including those associated with heat, electrocution, falling from height and falling equipment.

Location Lighting Checklist
Spotlights: Generic Risk Assessment

There are multiple potential risks for follow spot operators including fatigue, working at height, heat, electricity, eye damage and burns.

Strobe Lighting: Generic Risk Assessment

Strobe lighting effects can triggering seizures in individuals with photosensitive epilepsy, cause eye strain or injury, induce dizziness and/or disorientation, and create hazards in environments where clear visibility is crucial, potentially leading to accidents.

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