a green and white painted sign on a sidewalk

Electric Vehicles

Since 2019, there have been on average 6,500 accidental car fires in the UK. This number includes all type of cars including Electric Vehicle (EVs), Plug in Hybrids (PHEVs) and Internal Combustion Engine vehicles (ICEs which includes Petrol and Diesel cars).

EV fires often make the headlines, but they are not a common occurrence. The public perception is that EVs are dangerous, and more of a fire risk than other vehicles such as petrol and diesel powered cars.

In terms of car fires, only 1% of all vehicle fires in the UK are EVs. Within the area that London Fire Brigade presides over, in 2020 there were 1,021 ICE car fires and only 27 EV fires.

See our guidance below.

Electric Vehicles | International Advice

Specialist: Nick Hayes

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A Fire Safety Consultant by trade, Nick has wide experience in providing Fire, Health and Safety advice to Production and Broadcasting companies involved with Drama, Sport, Factual, Children’s, Radio, and Entertainment. Nick also provides H&S support to many large sporting events including multiple Olympic Games and the men's and women's FIFA World Cups.


Article last updated on Dec 2nd, 2024

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