Many courses require you to fully complete each module or section before you can progress to the next. This is especially true for courses that carry external accreditation – for example the Risk Awareness Course.

For example, if you are invited to click on ‘hotspots’ on a photo, you actually need to click on all of them. If there are drop-downs or ‘accordions’ containing information, you need to click on each section for the task to be marked as complete.

If you don’t then that section may be marked as incomplete until you do, and you won’t be allowed to progress at the end of the section.

If you can’t progress then go back through that section and check you haven’t missed anything. And some are quite easy to miss. We don’t do that deliberately to trip you up but the external accreditation requires these sorts of checks to make sure people engage with the content and don’t just click through the course.

Whenever we’ve seen “can’t complete…” problems it’s almost always down to this issue.