If you want to take a course yourself then that’s a Single course. You can access it via /my-courses when you’re logged in.

A Group course is when you buy a number of places for a course.

These will still all sit on your account – but you can grant access for others to take the course via the Group Management page (and there’s a link to that on your /my-courses page too).

  • You will be able to see the progress of all the people you’ve invited to take the course via the Group Management page.
  • This is very useful if you’re managing a production – set up a group.
  • Another production? Buy places and give that group a different name. Then on the Group Management page, you can filter by production.
  • You can track each production’s progress and selectively email people who haven’t finished (or started!) the course yet.
  • The system will give each individual in a group an account where they can see their course and download their certificates.

The Group Management function makes it very easy to track progress across multiple productions.