a fire extinguisher on a wall

Fire Prevention, Detection and Suppression

Pyros, controlled fires, lighting, temporary electrical installations, combustible materials, props and scenery, confined spaces, crowded conditions, equipment and obstacles all make fire a greater risk than in other workplaces due to the unique conditions and activities involved.

However, this risk can be effectively managed through comprehensive fire safety planning, training, and adherence to safety protocols and regulations. Proper preparation and vigilance are key to preventing fires and ensuring the safety of everyone on set.

See our full guidance below.

Fire Prevention, Detection and Suppression | International Advice

Specialist: Nick Hayes

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A Fire Safety Consultant by trade, Nick has wide experience in providing Fire, Health and Safety advice to Production and Broadcasting companies involved with Drama, Sport, Factual, Children’s, Radio, and Entertainment. Nick also provides H&S support to many large sporting events including multiple Olympic Games and the men's and women's FIFA World Cups.


Article last updated on Sep 18th, 2024

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