Post: Legionella


Legionella pneumophila is the bacterium that causes Legionnaires’ disease, a type of pneumonia that can be fatal in some groups.  Legionnaires’ disease is contracted by inhaling infected water droplets and cannot be contracted by drinking infected water.

The most common presentation of Legionella pneumophila is acute pneumonia (legionellosis); potentially any species of Legionella may cause the disease. Extrapulmonary disease (e.g. pericarditis and endocarditis) is rare. Less often, disease presents as a non-pneumonic, influenza-like illness called Pontiac fever.

Responsibility for managing and controlling Legionella generally sits with the premises owner, landlord or facilities management company.  Sometimes responsibility is transferred to long-term tenants, so if you hold a tenancy of 6 months or more you should check the tenancy agreement for responsibility.

The key potential safety concerns and checklists are below.

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Article last updated on Sep 18th, 2024

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