a man pushing a cart full of boxes

Manual Handling

Manual handling means transporting or supporting a load by hand or bodily force. It includes lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, moving or carrying a load. A load is a moveable object, such as a box or package, a person or an animal, or something being pushed or pulled, such as a roll cage or pallet truck.

Manual handling injuries are part of a wider group of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The term ‘musculoskeletal disorders’ includes injuries and conditions that can cause pain to the back, joints and limbs.

Manual Handling | International Advice

Specialist: Vincent Morris

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Vince joined First Option in 2019 from a global TV and Film company where he was Manager of Environmental Health and Safety. He specialises in Health and Safety Management Systems, Emergency Management, Accident/Incident Investigation, Ergonomics, COSHH, Fire Safety and Manual Handling. He also has extensive experience in the corporate sphere and is an experienced trainer.


Article last updated on Nov 21st, 2024

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