Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) are person-specific evacuation plans for individuals with an impairment or disability that means they need assisted evacuation in an emergency. They explain the method of evacuation, record the safety plan (i.e. routes and equipment needed) and identify those people who will provide assistance during evacuation.

Companies need to manage the safe evacuation of all people on their premises, making sure everybody can evacuate without assistance from the Fire Service. This includes those with disability or impairment. Example impairments include mobility issues, limited sight or hearing, cognitive impairment and pregnancy.

Having an impairment or disability does not automatically mean that people will need assistance, and the aim should be to allow independent evacuation if it is safe for the individual and others. Similarly, hidden conditions may mean people who can leave premises normally may need assistance in an emergency situation.

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Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans | International Advice

Specialist: Nick Hayes

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A Fire Safety Consultant by trade, Nick has wide experience in providing Fire, Health and Safety advice to Production and Broadcasting companies involved with Drama, Sport, Factual, Children’s, Radio, and Entertainment. Nick also provides H&S support to many large sporting events including multiple Olympic Games and the men's and women's FIFA World Cups.


Article last updated on Jan 24th, 2025

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