

We provide innovative solutions to operationalise sustainability


First Option Safety Group is now part of ERM, the largest global pure-play sustainability consultancy.

Media production can have a significant environmental footprint, with energy consumption, waste generation, and carbon emissions from pre-production to distribution.

Embracing sustainability helps minimize this impact by adopting energy-efficient technologies, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly practices.

Sustainability in film and television production has become increasingly important in recent years as the industry recognizes its environmental impact.

Film and TV production can have a significant environmental footprint and there are a number of reasons productions cannot ignore sustainability:

  • Public Perception and Reputation: In today’s environmentally conscious world, consumers, investors, and stakeholders expect companies to demonstrate responsible practices. Media productions that prioritize sustainability build a positive reputation, gain public trust, and attract environmentally conscious audiences who appreciate and support environmentally friendly content.

  • Cost Savings: Sustainable practices often lead to cost savings in the long run. Energy-efficient technologies reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills, while waste reduction measures minimize disposal and production costs. These savings can be reinvested in creative endeavors, improving the quality of media production.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Many regions have implemented environmental regulations and guidelines to curb pollution and promote sustainability. Adhering to these regulations ensures compliance and avoids legal consequences or reputational damage associated with non-compliance.

  • Social Responsibility: Media production companies have a social responsibility to contribute positively to society. Embracing sustainability aligns with the broader global efforts to combat climate change, conserve resources, and promote social and economic equity. By integrating sustainable practices, media productions can be catalysts for change and inspire audiences to adopt environmentally responsible behaviors.

  • Long-Term Viability: Sustainability is essential for the long-term viability and survival of media production industries. As the world transitions toward a more sustainable future, companies that fail to adapt may face obsolescence. By embracing sustainability, media production companies can future-proof their operations, remain relevant, and take advantage of emerging market opportunities.


We’re helping the industry play a crucial role in promoting sustainability and minimizing its environmental footprint.

Tips for Best Practice

  • Green Production Initiatives: Adopting green production initiatives involves integrating sustainable practices into all aspects of production. This includes promoting energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable sourcing of materials. Encourage the use of renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power for set operations whenever possible.

  • Sustainable Set Design and Construction: Implement sustainable practices in set design and construction. Use eco-friendly materials, such as recycled or reclaimed materials, and reduce waste through proper planning and recycling programs. Consider using modular sets that can be repurposed or reused for future productions.

  • Energy Efficiency: Focus on energy-efficient practices during filming and on set. Encourage the use of motion sensors and timers to minimize unnecessary energy consumption.

  • Transportation and Logistics: Minimize carbon emissions by optimizing transportation and logistics. Encourage carpooling or the use of fuel-efficient vehicles for cast and crew. Whenever feasible, choose locations that are close to one another to reduce travel distances and fuel consumption.

  • Waste Management: Establish a comprehensive waste management system that prioritizes recycling and minimizes waste generation. Provide clearly labelled recycling bins on set and educate the cast and crew about proper waste disposal practices. Explore partnerships with local recycling facilities and consider composting organic waste.

  • Water Conservation: Implement water conservation measures on set and during production. Encourage the use of water-efficient fixtures and practices, such as low-flow toilets and faucets. Consider utilizing water-saving techniques during filming, such as capturing and reusing rainwater for various purposes on set.

  • Sustainable Catering: Work with caterers who prioritize sustainability. Choose locally sourced, organic, and seasonal foods to reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Minimize single-use plastics and encourage the use of compostable or reusable utensils, plates, and cups.

  • Digital Workflows: Embrace digital workflows to reduce paper waste. Use digital scripts, call sheets, and production documents instead of printing physical copies. Utilize cloud storage and collaboration tools for sharing files and communication, reducing the need for physical storage and transportation.

  • Education and Awareness: Foster a culture of sustainability by educating and raising awareness among the cast and crew. Encourage sustainable practices and provide resources for learning more about environmental impact reduction. Consider hosting workshops or inviting sustainability experts to discuss the importance of sustainability in the film industry.

  • Green Certification Programmes: Consider participating in green certification programs specific to the film industry. These programs provide guidelines and resources to help production companies reduce their environmental impact and earn certifications attesting to their sustainability efforts.

  • Online resources, email and telephone advice and our full time and associate team of safety consultants

  • Phone and email answers to your safety questions and help with risk assessments and other documentation

  • How does your production safety measure up? Our free, online safety healthcheck can help identify gaps.

  • Advice Hub - an interactive source for safety guidance documents and support, available to clients 24/7

  • Our onsite support consultants work with you to help achieve your goals while keeping the workplace safe

  • Over 250 TV production companies, broadcasters and studios retain us to provide all their safety support


Got a question? We’re really happy to help. Contact us now.