Production Sustainability

Our planet is heating up: the climate emergency continues to advance at a relentless pace, surpassing all predictions.

An average day filming equates to more than one person’s annual carbon footprint and a film production with a budget of ~US$70m generates the equivalent of the amount of CO2 absorbed by 3,700 acres of forest in a year.

  • Energy consumption could power Times Square for 5 days

  • Fuel consumption could fill the average car tank 11,478 times

  • Air miles equates to 11 one way trips from the Earth to the moon

  • Waste generation equates to the weight of 313.5 blue whales
  • Plywood use amounts to the volume of 2.5 cargo planes

  • Plastic bottle usage equates to yearly average use of 168 people

In productions the two biggest emitters of CO2 are transport and electricity / gas. Material waste contributes too and is produced in every area of production, from studio buildings to props.

There is a common agreement across the industry that film and tv production can be wasteful and resource-intensive, and more measures are needed to reduce carbon emissions to reach targets.

Luckily, there are ever more options available to us as an industry to help reduce our emissions. So, what can you do to help? We have listed some of these below to help you navigate this ever-changing landscape.

Production Sustainability | International Advice

Specialist: Amy Crangle

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Before joining First Option in 2021, Amy previously worked in Health, Safety and Food Hygiene consultancy. In addition to advising high-profile productions, Amy is a popular trainer who also manages and mentors the Advice Line team, handling productions’ many diverse email and phone enquiries.


Article last updated on Jan 24th, 2025

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