a drill and box on a table

Set Design and Construction

In addition to safe construction, planning needs to include how to safely strike, store or dispose of the set.

In the UK all construction work, regardless of size, needs to meet the requirements of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM); the aim is for health and safety consideration to be treated as a normal part of a project’s development, not an afterthought or bolt-on-extra.

Use our checklists to see how CDM applies to production and the relevant controls.

Set Design and Construction | International Advice

Specialist: Guy Lunn

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Guy has worked in the broadcasting, television and film Industry for over 20 years. Before qualifying as a safety and health practitioner, Guy worked for many years as part of the BBC special effects department. Since joining First Option in 2006, Guy has supported a wide range of independent production companies in drama, entertainment and factual, and newsgathering genres.


Article last updated on Feb 3rd, 2025

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