Film, TV and Event Safety

Film, TV and Event Safety

Everyone has the right to a safe working environment


Ensuring health and safety standards in film and TV production isn’t just about complying with regulations; it’s about ensuring the health and safety of every individual involved.

Each and every person on a production contributes to the magic of storytelling, and their safety must never be compromised. Behind every scene lies a team of dedicated professionals who deserve to work in environments free from potential harm.

It’s time we recognise the paramount importance of health and safety in our industry and commit to prioritising it at every stage of production. After all, a safe and healthy crew means a thriving production, and that’s a story worth telling.

What We’re Doing

Our Commitment

Our focus on raising safety standards in Film, TV and Events is unwavering.

online, aSo much so that we are now leveraging our unrivalled knowledge and experience to give productions the tools to produce their Production Risk Assessments and to assess their overall safety culture.

These tools are free. Forever. And you don’t need to be a First Option client.

The Catch?

There isn’t one. 

Our interactive, online Production Risk Assessment (PRA) tool will help you compile your PRA whether you’re a client or not, you just need to be logged in. Setting up an account is free and only takes a few moments. Plus, anyone can use our Safety Culture Assessment which can give you an idea of how you rank against best practice on a number of different stages of production.

We’re making these tools freely available we’re committed to reinforcing the importance of health and safety, and driving improvements in safety culture in our industry.

Your Responsibilities

It’s important to recognise that online tools can never be a competent source of safety advice but they’re a good start.

If you’re a First Option client you, can request a review of your Risk Assessment by qualified safety professionals as your competent source of safety advice, as well as having access to many more features. You just check the ‘review’ box and the system does the rest.

Production Risk Assessment

Create an interactive Production Risk Assessment online for free

Template Library

Browse our extensive catalogue of templates, checklists and precedents

Safety Culture Assessment

Find out where your safety culture really is vs where you think it is

Retainer Client Benefits

See the benefits of being a First Option client

Free vs Premium

For Everyone


Produce a basic Production Risk Assessment, including:

  • General Safety including Access / Egress, chemicals and chemical solutions, fire, manual Handling, noise

  • Working with animals

  • Contributor Wellbeing including children and young people, mental health, people with disability

  • Cast / Crew welfare including audiences, security, visitors, SAs, work experience, lone working, mental health

  • Journalism: doorstepping and self-shooting

  • Office risk assessment, homeworking DSE

  • Weather

For First Option Retainer Clients


Additional time-saving options for clients include:

  • 65 additional production activities including Aircraft, Cameras and Grip, Costume, Hair and Makeup, Electrical Supply and Distribution, Facilities and Unit Management, Firearms and Weapons, Lighting, 14 types of location, Props, Action Props and Set Dressing, Rigging, SFX, Studio, Stunts, Vehicles and Driving, working in or near water

  • Add your own bespoke risks and controls for activities not already covered

  • Send a copy to First Option Advice Line for comment and suggestions – your source of competent advice required by The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

  • Multi language support to aid accessibility for users whose first language is not English

  • Draft Management: save drafts to come back to later, have multiple drafts on the go for different productions / activities at the same time

  • Library of all your completed RAs – which you can edit / clone

  • Autosave progress as you type

  • Work offline: no signal on a recce? progress will be saved in your browser for submission when signal is restored

  • Send incomplete drafts to a collaborator to add their contribution

  • Distribution Lists: send a blind copy to multiple email addresses

  • Address autocomplete: address suggestions populate as you type

  • Preview: see what your completed RA will look like


Safety. Sustainability. Wellbeing.

We are the leading support company for Film and TV and our Safety Support is considered to be the most comprehensive in the industry.

  • Our onsite support consultants work with you to help achieve your goals while keeping the workplace safe

  • Phone and email answers to your safety questions and help with risk assessments and other documentation

  • How does your production safety measure up? Our free, online safety healthcheck can help identify gaps.

  • Advice Hub - an interactive source for safety guidance documents and support, available to clients 24/7

  • Over 250 TV production companies, broadcasters and studios retain us to provide all their safety support

  • Online resources, email and telephone advice and our full time and associate team of safety consultants

  • Our onsite support consultants work with you to help achieve your goals while keeping the workplace safe

  • Phone and email answers to your safety questions and help with risk assessments and other documentation

  • How does your production safety measure up? Our free, online safety healthcheck can help identify gaps.

  • Advice Hub - an interactive source for safety guidance documents and support, available to clients 24/7

  • Over 250 TV production companies, broadcasters and studios retain us to provide all their safety support

  • Online resources, email and telephone advice and our full time and associate team of safety consultants


Got a question? We’re really happy to help. Contact us now.