a hand holding a soldering iron


Without effective control, solder fume rises vertically and, for manual operations, is likely to enter the breathing zone of the solderer. Rosin-based solder flux fume is now regarded as one of the most significant causes of occupational asthma in Britain.

Rosin-based fluxes may be integral with the solder or applied separately, as in liquid fluxes. For solder wire, commonly used in hand soldering, the flux is often contained in a central core and is released on heating.

Intermittent soldering work may lead to high, short-term exposures, particularly if carried out in an enclosed space or at an awkward angle. People maintaining and cleaning soldering equipment and control systems may also be at risk.

Soldering | International Advice

Specialist: Guy Lunn

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Guy has worked in the broadcasting, television and film Industry for over 20 years. Before qualifying as a safety and health practitioner, Guy worked for many years as part of the BBC special effects department. Since joining First Option in 2006, Guy has supported a wide range of independent production companies in drama, entertainment and factual, and newsgathering genres.


Article last updated on Sep 18th, 2024

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