a white car in a room

Vehicles in Studio

Vehicles containing flammable fuel pose a fire and explosion hazard. Hot engine parts and exhaust systems can ignite flammable materials. Accidental movement can lead to collisions with people, equipment, or set structures.

Running a vehicle indoors can lead to the accumulation of carbon monoxide, a colourless, odourless – and potentially deadly – gas.

See our guide below.

Vehicles in Studio | International Advice

Specialist: Nick Hayes

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A Fire Safety Consultant by trade, Nick has wide experience in providing Fire, Health and Safety advice to Production and Broadcasting companies involved with Drama, Sport, Factual, Children’s, Radio, and Entertainment. Nick also provides H&S support to many large sporting events including multiple Olympic Games and the men's and women's FIFA World Cups.


Article last updated on Sep 18th, 2024

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