a man and woman sitting on a couch talking

Visitors’ Safety

The Health and Safety at Work Act specifies that employers must ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that people who are not their employees (e.g. visitors) are not affected in any adverse way by the company’s activities with regard to health and safety.

For the purpose of this procedure a visitor is anyone who visits a premises to meet with employees; this does not relate to contractors who may undertake work on building fabric or equipment.

Further guidance below.

Visitors’ Safety | International Advice

Specialist: Nick Hayes

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A Fire Safety Consultant by trade, Nick has wide experience in providing Fire, Health and Safety advice to Production and Broadcasting companies involved with Drama, Sport, Factual, Children’s, Radio, and Entertainment. Nick also provides H&S support to many large sporting events including multiple Olympic Games and the men's and women's FIFA World Cups.


Article last updated on Sep 18th, 2024

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