a toilet paper roll with a message on it

Welfare Facilities On Set

There is a wealth of legislation intended to ensure basic needs such as access to potable water and facilities are met in workplaces.

But it’s more than that. Comfort and wellbeing have a direct impact on productivity and efficiency and providing an inclusive and equitable working environment leads to greater morale and job satisfaction.

See our guide below.

Welfare Facilities On Set | International Advice

Specialist: Guy Lunn

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Guy has worked in the broadcasting, television and film Industry for over 20 years. Before qualifying as a safety and health practitioner, Guy worked for many years as part of the BBC special effects department. Since joining First Option in 2006, Guy has supported a wide range of independent production companies in drama, entertainment and factual, and newsgathering genres.


Article last updated on Sep 18th, 2024

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