The Group Management Dashboard page has a lot of features to make the management of production groups easy for Group Leaders.
If you buy multiple places or ‘seats’ in a single transaction, a group is formed and you become Group Leader.
You can also be made a Group Leader by the person that purchased the places – for example if a HOP sets up a group for the production you are PM on. You don’t need to assign any seats on the course to individuals yet – you can do that over time as and when it suits you.
When you log in and navigate to your production Group Management page, the first thing you see is either the production group name or a drop-down list of all the production groups you are a Group Leader for.
Below the production group name (or drop-down list if you are managing multiple production groups) you will see the seats remaining and total seats for the group currently selected, and a list of links to the courses associated with that production group.
As groups change over time (seats are added, courses are added to groups etc) this information is constantly updated in real-time.
Users in a Group
The next section of the page is the Enrolled Users list which contains two menus for the main management functions that are available to Group Leaders.
The first is the Enrolled Users list – the current list of your production group members, their email addresses, their status, and their enrollment key (more about keys and user status in other FAQs).
We’ve covered adding users elsewhere – but once users are set up on the system, Group Leaders have options to edit users’ details, send them a password reset, or to remove them from groups.
You can also send your users emails based on their status, directly from your dashboard. You can see their progress on the Group Management page and send emails to all – or to any combination of those who have (i) not enrolled yet, (ii) enrolled but not started, (iii) are in progress and/or (iv) have completed.
Editing User Details
On the Group Management page, click on a User’s name and a dialogue box appears.
You can edit their name and/or email address, then click Update user or dismiss the dialogue box with the ⊗ in the top right corner to leave details unchanged.
Password Reset
Select the check box next to one or more users’ names and further options appear next to the ‘Users’ button.
Click Send password reset and the user will be emailed a link to reset it. Individual users can also do this themselves from the login prompt using the ‘lost password’ link – provided they can remember the email they are registered under. Additionally, if the visit the My Courses page and they’re not logged in they also see the login / lost password options.
Removing Users
Again, select the user(s) you would like to remove from the Enrolled User list, and a Remove User(s) button will appear. Click on the Remove User(s) button. You will be prompted to confirm your action.
Reassigning Places
You can also move and reassign places on online courses. For example, if you assign a place to an individual who already has a valid PSP you can ‘unassign’ that place and it becomes available for reassignment to someone else.
There is no charge for this flexibility for our online courses – unless the individual has already started the course. The system won’t let you put multiple people through using a single place and just changing the name each time! There are some restrictions on this for courses with ‘in-person’ elements but we try to be as accommodating as possible.
Emailing Group Members
As a Group Leader you can easily email all members of your group based on their course status (Not enrolled, Not started, In progress and/or Completed). Clicking Users > Email Users brings up the email group members interface.
Emails sent via this interface use the Group Leader’s name as the From Name and the Group Leader’s email address as the Reply-to Email. The ‘From’ email address id set by the system to reduce the likelihood that emails are flagged as spam. Group members are sent the email via BCC, so no-one sees each others’ email addresses.
You can easily chase stragglers and/or congratulate successful completers without having to cut and paste into an email client.