Template Library

Template Library

Checklists and generic risk assessments covering routine hazards and controls

Page: Template Library


You can generate a bespoke Production Risk Assessment online using our interactive software with sophisticated version control and document management features.

Or you can use our library of templates and checklists to create your own. Use the Search box or click on a Category. Press 'Reset Filter' to clear.

Logged in Retainer Clients can download template Risk Assessments, checklists and other assets.

Title, Date
Temporary Electrical Systems: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202429.2 KB
All electrical systems used need to be installed by a competent person to a safe and suitable standard, e.g. BS 7671 and BS 7909.
Generators: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024214 KB
Hazards generally associated with generators include shocks and electrocution from improper use of power, carbon monoxide poisoning, fires from improper fuelling and noise / vibration hazards.
Lithium Batteries: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202430.6 KB
Unsuitable batteries or incorrect use can result in fire or electric shock.
Generator Safety Checklist
October 21, 2024346.4 KB
BS7909 Completion Certificate
October 21, 202441.4 KB
This Certificate, shows the results of inspections and tests carried out on the temporary distribution described.