Template Library
Template Library
Checklists and generic risk assessments covering routine hazards and controls
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You can generate a bespoke Production Risk Assessment online using our interactive software with sophisticated version control and document management features.
Or you can use our library of templates and checklists to create your own. Use the Search box or click on a Category. Press 'Reset Filter' to clear.
Logged in Retainer Clients can download template Risk Assessments, checklists and other assets.
Title, Date | Categories | About | Download |
Boats: Generic Risk Assessment July 25, 202433.1 KB |
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Vessel condition, competency, hazardous machinery, weather, all add to the risk of filming on boats.
Diving Abroad: Checklist July 30, 2024385.5 KB |
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Diving can result in serious injury, through diving related illness or physical trauma, or even death. When diving abroad, UK Regulations and Approved Code of Practice do not apply. You must comply with the legislation of the country where the dive is taking place.
Diving in the UK: Checklist July 30, 202461.1 KB |
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Divers are exposed not only to the possibility of drowning but also to a variety of occupational safety and health hazards.
Diving: Generic Risk Assessment July 30, 202432.8 KB |
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Diving can result in serious injury through diving-related illness or physical trauma, or even death.
Filming at Sea: Checklist October 23, 2024377.1 |
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A checklist for filming at sea.
Inland Waterways Checklist October 23, 202462.6 KB |
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A checklist for filming on or near inland waterways.
Open Water: Generic Risk Assessment July 25, 202432.3 KB |
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Tides, rip tides and currents, water quality and swimmer competence all impact safety in water.
Swimming Pools: Generic Risk Assessment July 25, 202431.3 KB |
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Non-swimmers can inhale or ingest water resulting in drowning or sickness. Poor water quality can lead to bacterial infection and contamination of any equipment that has entered the water. Slips, trips and falls.