Template Library

Template Library

Checklists and generic risk assessments covering routine hazards and controls

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Title, Date
Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace: Guidance
March 31, 20151.5 MB
CAP 722: Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace – Guidance, is compiled by the Civil Aviation Authority’s Intelligence, Strategy and Policy (ISP) division.
Aerial Filming: Generic Risk Assessment
July 2, 202456.5 KB
This guidance provides information and instruction to assist productions in completing basic aerial filming both safely and within national and international regulation.
Access and Egress: Generic Risk Assessment
July 2, 202457.3 KB
Facilities and Unit Management
In any workplace, access and emergency exit arrangements are subject to health and safety and fire legislation.
Helicopters: Generic Risk Assessment
July 3, 20243 MB
Helicopter operations pose risks such as noise and downwash from helicopter rotors, potential mechanical failures, mid-air collisions and hazardous weather conditions.
Animals On Set: Generic Risk Assessment
July 3, 202456.5 KB
The safety and animal welfare requirements vary depending on the type of animal and the performance element.  In most cases issues on set are due to allergies, phobias, bites, stings or scratches.
Horses On Set: Generic Risk Assessment
July 3, 202457.3 KB
When using horses in a production, it’s crucial to prioritise their safety and welfare to ensure they are treated humanely, and to avoid accidents.
Para / Hang Gliders: Generic Risk Assessment
July 5, 202457 KB
Weather dependence, risk of equipment failure, terrain, and maintaining safe altitude are all risks inherent to para- and hang gliding.
Track, Dollies and Rickshaws: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 2024215.1 KB
Cameras and Grip
Crew members and actors can be injured by tracks or dollies if not properly secured or if safety protocols are ignored.
Cranes and Jibs: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 2024214.2 KB
Cameras and Grip
Using cranes and jibs carry a number of safety implications that need careful management to ensure the safety of the crew and the equipment.
Handheld Cameras: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 2024215.2 KB
Cameras and Grip
Risks include musculoskeletal issues, slips, trips and falls, and collisions.
Spidercam: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 2024214.7 KB
Cameras and Grip
The camera system’s cables and rigging can pose a risk of collision with people, equipment, or structures if not properly managed. The rigging system must be securely installed and maintained to avoid potential failures that could cause the camera to fall or become dislodged.
Waterside Locations: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 202432.3 KB
Location Filming
Filming in and around controlled water (in swimming pools) reduces the risk of flowing water: e.g. current, cold and disease. The risk is higher when the water is open and flowing.
Swimming Pools: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 202431.3 KB
Non-swimmers can inhale or ingest water resulting in drowning or sickness. Poor water quality can lead to bacterial infection and contamination of any equipment that has entered the water. Slips, trips and falls.
Open Water: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 202432.3 KB
Tides, rip tides and currents, water quality and swimmer competence all impact safety in water.
Boats: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 202433.1 KB
Vessel condition, competency, hazardous machinery, weather, all add to the risk of filming on boats.
Child Performers and Contributors: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 2024215.6 KB
Contributor Wellbeing
Children can be inquisitive and may not recognize the potential danger around them through a lack of awareness plus there is supervision, safeguarding, working hours, welfare and other factors to consider.
Asbestos: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 202431.6 KB
Asbestos may be present in buildings and can be a risk if disturbed: fibres inhaled can cause asbestos-related diseases such as cancers of the lungs and chest lining.
Hand Tools: Generic Risk Assessment
July 25, 2024214.6 KB
Equipment and Machinery
Lack of training or experience, poor operation or maintenance are all risks associated with hand tool use.
Drone Code: Guidance [CAA]
July 30, 2024131 KB
CAA Guidance – also at dronesafe.co.uk
Diving Abroad: Checklist
July 30, 2024385.5 KB
Diving can result in serious injury, through diving related illness or physical trauma, or even death. When diving abroad, UK Regulations and Approved Code of Practice do not apply. You must comply with the legislation of the country where the dive is taking place.
Studios: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202458.4 KB
Fire, electricity, working at height, slips, trips and falls are all hazards in a studio.
Farms: Checklist
July 30, 2024383 KB
Animals, Location Filming
Agriculture, horticulture and forestry are some of the most dangerous industries with many fatal and reportable (i.e. the most serious) injuries each year.
Factories: Checklist
July 30, 2024367.7 KB
Location Filming
Machinery, noise, hazardous substances and moving vehicles are among the potential hazards when filming in factories.
Temporary Electrical Systems: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202429.2 KB
All electrical systems used need to be installed by a competent person to a safe and suitable standard, e.g. BS 7671 and BS 7909.
Generators: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024214 KB
Hazards generally associated with generators include shocks and electrocution from improper use of power, carbon monoxide poisoning, fires from improper fuelling and noise / vibration hazards.
Lithium Batteries: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202430.6 KB
Unsuitable batteries or incorrect use can result in fire or electric shock.
Rooftop Filming: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202431.4 KB
Location Filming
Falling people or equipment can result in fatality, fractures, or crushing injuries. Poor structural integrity can result in collapse. Adverse weather can result in falls, being struck by equipment or lightning strikes.
Airports and Airfields: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202433.2 KB
Location Filming
Creating obstructions in public areas can result in trips and falls, poor communications with airport security can result in airport operations being disrupted, and ground operations can result in collision, being struck by or entanglement in machinery.
Domestic Properties: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202432.7 KB
Location Filming
heavy equipment on floors not designed to bear that load, asbestos, cabling, fire and allergic reactions to or bites from pets are all potential hazards.
Factories: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202431.8 KB
Location Filming
Machinery, nose, hazardous substances and moving vehicles are among the potential hazards when filming in factories.
Farming and Forestry: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202434.1 KB
Location Filming
The most common hazards are being struck by a moving vehicle, falls from a height, being trapped by something collapsing or overturning, contact with machinery or injury by an animal. There are also health hazards arising from crop dust and chemicals and risks to the pregnant from animals that have recently given birth.
Theatres: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024217 KB
Location Filming
Machinery, noise, working from height, members of the public, open stage edges and low lighting during performances all add to the complexity of filming in theatres.
Railway Stations: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024217.1 KB
Location Filming
Proper planning, clear communication with railway authorities, and strict adherence to safety protocols are essential to mitigate risks.
Filling Stations: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202432.7 KB
Location Filming
Electrical equipment including radios and mobile telephones creates an ignition risk, vehicle movements also risk causing injury.
Schools: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024215 KB
Location Filming
Physical or other invasive/abusive contact with the child may cause mental distress. Allegations of contact may result in legal action. A child’s inquisitiveness and lack of awareness can lead to injury from filming equipment.
Sports Grounds: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024216.1 KB
Location Filming
Whether pitch-side filming or at events with high level commentary boxes or observation platforms within a stadium complex, when filming any event at a sports ground an assessment of the potential health and safety risks must be carried out.
Hospitals and Medical Facilities: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202431.5 KB
Location Filming
Infection prevention and control, vulnerable children and adults, assault and strict Data Protection requirements all need to be considered.
Event Location Recce Checklist: Indoor
July 30, 2024362.5 KB
Checklist for indoor events location recce.
Event Location Recce Checklist: Outdoor
July 30, 2024353.4 KB
Checklist for outdoor events location recce.
Costume: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202430.3 KB
Costume / HMU
Use of costume brings with it certain risks to costume department staff, and also to the onscreen actors and contributors.
Make Up: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202430.8 KB
Costume / HMU
Use of HMU brings with it certain risks to the Make Up artists, and also to the onscreen actors and contributors.
Highways: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202429.7 KB
Location Filming
Traffic accidents, falls and ejections, driver distraction, weather, road conditions and equipment stability all present challenges to safely shooting from or with vehicles.
Hair Department: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024214 KB
Costume / HMU
Use of HMU brings with it certain risks to hairstylists, costume department staff, and also to the onscreen actors and contributors.
Construction Phase Plan: Template
July 30, 202450.5 KB
A construction phase plan is needed for all builds. For small builds it’s acceptable for the plan to be a collection of site rules, risk assessments and method statements, however larger or more complex builds require a build-specific, detailed plan.
Builders, Carpenters and Decorators: Checklist
July 30, 2024359.1 KB
Construction, Studio
Can be completed by builders, carpenters or decorators used on productions to show they are implementing adequate controls to reduce the risks from their activities, or as an inspection checklist by productions.
Health and Safety File: Template
July 30, 202450.8 KB
A Health and Safety File that contains hazard and safety information required to maintain, store and strike the set safely is needed for long-standing sets and sets that are regularly built and dismantled.
Diving in the UK: Checklist
July 30, 202461.1 KB
Divers are exposed not only to the possibility of drowning but also to a variety of occupational safety and health hazards.
Diving: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202432.8 KB
Diving can result in serious injury through diving-related illness or physical trauma, or even death.
Covert Filming: Checklist
July 30, 2024381.4 KB
Journalism, Location Filming
Covert filming can put the safety of those involved at risk, including verbal abuse, physical violence, capture, or even imprisonment.
Travel: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202443.4 KB
Location Filming
Safety requirements still apply wherever staff are working. Many countries will have their own safety legislation (some with widely differing standards) which may require specific tasks to be done.
A Frame: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024216.8 KB
Cameras and Grip
Use of A-frames involves several safety risks: falls, the A-frame can be unstable on uneven surfaces or if not set up correctly increasing the chance of tipping over, and overloading can lead to structural failure.
Go Pros and Mini Cams: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024214.6 KB
Cameras and Grip
Mounting or handling the camera improperly can lead to accidents or injury, particularly in active or high-risk environments. Using the camera while performing other tasks can lead to distractions and potential accidents, especially in dynamic or hazardous settings.
In Car Filming [Passenger Seat]: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024219.5 KB
Cameras and Grip
Equipment can lead to vehicle operation or driver view being obstructed. Use of eye-pieces can result in eye injury if the vehicle brakes or turns aggressively. Airbag deployment can result in impact injury from equipment striking the operator. Handling equipment in a restricted space can lead to musculoskeletal issues.
Jib on Tracking Vehicle: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024218.1 KB
Cameras and Grip
Incorrect set up can lead to equipment or operators falling from the vehicle. Poor communication between vehicles can result in safety issues not being addressed as quickly as possible. A poor or badly managed route may lead to driver distraction or traffic disruption resulting in collision.
Up and By Shots: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 202431.5 KB
Vehicles and Driving
Traffic accidents, falls and ejections, driver distraction, weather, road conditions and equipment stability all present challenges to safely shooting from or with vehicles.
Vehicle Movements In Proximity to Cast: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024218 KB
Vehicles and Driving
Vehicle movements near cast and crew during filming can pose risks of accidents, injuries, and other safety hazards.
Vehicles in Studio: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 20240.00 KB
Studio, Vehicles and Driving
Having a motor vehicle in a studio introduces several risks, both to the cast and crew and to the production environment.
Low Loader: Generic Risk Assessment
July 30, 2024216.9 KB
Cameras and Grip
This operation should only be carried out by experienced, trained personnel (normally from a dedicated action vehicle company) who, together with the production Grip must ensure those travelling on the towing vehicle (and/or on the low loader itself) are safely harnessed where necessary, and equipment is secured.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE): Generic Risk Assessment
August 1, 202429.6 KB
Offices and Homeworking
DSE can cause problems if incorrectly used including stress and fatigue, headaches, eye strain, and work related upper limb disorders (WRULDs).
Pest and Vermin Control: Generic Risk Assessment
August 5, 202431.7 KB
Pests and vermin can pose various hazards that can impact the health and safety of employees, as well as the integrity of the work environment
Marquees: Generic Risk Assessment
August 5, 202431.8 KB
Facilities and Unit Management
Temporary structures need to be safe, particularly in case of fire or adverse weather, with procedures to protect the public and others using the facility.
Temporary Structures: Generic Risk Assessment
August 5, 202430.5 KB
Facilities and Unit Management
Temporary structures need to be safe, particularly in case of fire or adverse weather. Unsuitable design, anchorage or poor maintenance can result in structural collapse.
Fire: Generic Risk Assessment
August 5, 202430.5 KB
Fire Management
The risk of fire on set can be greater than in many other workplaces due to several unique factors associated with film production: SFX, set construction and materials, electrical equipment, confined spaces and crowding.
Fork Lift Truck: Generic Risk Assessment
August 5, 202433.5 KB
Equipment and Machinery
Lift trucks can be dangerous machines. If you don’t use them properly, they can kill and injure people.
LPG Cylinders: Generic Risk Assessment
August 5, 202431.2 KB
Facilities and Unit Management
In addition to the obvious risks of fire and explosion, every year in the UK about 14 people die from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by gas appliances and flues which have not been properly installed or maintained. Many others also suffer ill health.
Doorstepping: Generic Risk Assessment
August 5, 202432.8 KB
Doorstepping an interviewee risks potential assault or injury. The subject, known associates and location must be thoroughly researched beforehand and emergency plans in place.
Self-Shooting: Generic Risk Assessment
August 5, 202439.3 KB
Self shooting / lone operating has the potential for excessively long working hours is increased in particular when combined with driving to and from locations.
Stunts: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202429.6 KB
A stunt is where a competent person, such as a professional stunt artist, simulates an apparently dangerous activity in a careful and controlled manner.
Kitchens: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202429.5 KB
Location Filming
There are numerous compliance, regulatory and safety issues associated with any commercial kitchen set up.
Lifting Operations: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 2024214.7KB
Equipment and Machinery
Lifting equipment includes any equipment used at work for lifting or lowering loads, including attachments used for anchoring, fixing or supporting it.
Lasers: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202430.3 KB
The use of hazardous lasers with high radiant powers (typically from 200mW to 40W+ i.e. class 3B &4 lasers) requires action to control the risk of a significant eye injury. High power lasers with radiant powers that exceed around 500mW may also burn skin on contact and can be a fire risk.
Strobe Lighting: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202431.3 KB
Strobe lighting effects can triggering seizures in individuals with photosensitive epilepsy, cause eye strain or injury, induce dizziness and/or disorientation, and create hazards in environments where clear visibility is crucial, potentially leading to accidents.
Spotlights: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202432.4 KB
There are multiple potential risks for follow spot operators including fatigue, working at height, heat, electricity, eye damage and burns.
Loading and Unloading Vehicles: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 2024216.8 KB
Manual Handling
Loading and unloading vehicles movements can risk collisions and reversing accidents, there are risks of slips, trips and falls from height, manual handling and dock levellers, lifts, and conveyors can pose hazards including pinch points that can cause injuries to hands or limbs.
Manual Handling of Set: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202430.1 KB
Manual Handling
The manual handling of loads is a major cause of injury in the workplace.
Crew Mental Health: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202429.8 KB
Crew Welfare
All employers have a duty to adequately protect all employees and others affected by what they do which includes mental health
Noise: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202431.8 KB
Deafness caused by exposure to noise at work is permanent and incurable. Exposure to noise can also cause other forms of hearing damage such as tinnitus, which is a sensation such as ‘ringing’ or ‘buzzing’ in the ear, which can also occur in combination with hearing loss.
Supporting Artists: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 2024214.1 KB
Contributor Wellbeing
SAs may not be experienced and know how equipment operates and/or understand the hazards on set. Too many people on set could cause crew or equipment to be obstructed. Additional people may result in welfare provision becoming insufficient.
Revolves: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202431.6 KB
Care should be taken to avoid trapped limbs, especially fingers, trapped clothing as well as slips, trips and falls.
Practical Flame: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202431.6 KB
Using real flames involves significant safety precautions and need to be carefully controlled to ensure they behave as intended during filming.
Pyrotechnics: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202431.9 KB
Competence, communication and planning are vital to those who intend to use explosives, pyrotechnic or fire effects
Smoke and Haze: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202430.6 KB
The main methods and types are dry ice, oil mist and hazers, glycol or mineral oil smoke, and pyrotechnic smoke effects.
Soldering: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 2024214 KB
Equipment and Machinery
Without effective control, solder fume rises vertically and, for manual operations, is likely to enter the breathing zone of the solderer. Rosin-based solder flux fume is now regarded as one of the most significant causes of occupational asthma in Britain.
Lighting Grid: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202431.3 KB
Work in lighting grids above theatre / studio floors presents a serious hazard to those below from falling objects such as lights, tools, etc.
Visitors: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202429.5 KB
Facilities and Unit Management
Visitors to premises must not be adversely affected by the company’s activities with regard to their health and safety.
Weapons (Non- Firearms): Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202430.8 KB
Firearms and Weapons
Activities involving firearms and other weapons must be strictly controlled, even when using replicas.
Weather: Hot / Humid Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202430.4 KB
Location Filming
The adverse health effects of hot weather are largely preventable with some forward thinking and planning.
Weather: Cold Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202430.3 KB
Location Filming
Winter weather varies hugely across the UK. Check what local weather conditions can be expected, especially if you’re filming in remote upland areas.
Crew Welfare: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202430.8 KB
Crew Welfare
Provision of welfare facilities aren’t just a legal requirement: they directly impact the well-being, safety, and productivity of cast and crew.
Lone Working: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202432.1 KB
Crew Welfare
Working alone is not advisable where the risks identified cannot be adequately controlled.
Audiences: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 2024219.1 KB
Seating safety, fire safety, Trip and fall hazards, set pieces, props, and equipment being securely fastened, crowd control and security all need to be considered.
Contributors with Disability: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202428.8 KB
Contributor Wellbeing
Arrangements must be adequate to ensure that those disabled by the environment are not at risk.
Crew With Disability: Generic Risk Assessment
August 6, 202428.7 KB
Crew Welfare
Arrangements must be adequate to ensure that those disabled by the environment are not at risk.
MEWPS: Generic Risk Assessment
August 7, 2024216.3 KB
Equipment and Machinery
Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (MEWPs) such as Genie Booms, Scissor Lifts and Telehandlers are used extensively in production and events for their designed purpose as an elevated platform to enable safe work at height, but also for hanging lights, diffusers and screens.
Ladders and Step Ladders: Generic Risk Assessment
August 7, 2024214.4 KB
Equipment and Machinery
Incorrect use can lead to people falling from ladders or ladders falling or collapsing and/or falling objects.
Drones: Generic Risk Assessment
August 8, 202430.8 KB
Commercial drone use is a controlled activity requiring CAA registration, permissions and insurance and more complex flights will need an Operations Authorisation dictating the restrictions the Operator has to fly within.
Manual Handling of Set: Checklist
August 8, 20247.8 KB
Construction, Manual Handling, Studio
Manual handling injuries are part of a wider group of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The term ‘musculoskeletal disorders’ includes injuries and conditions that can cause pain to the back, joints and limbs.
Steadicam: Generic Risk Assessment
August 9, 202429.6 KB
Cameras and Grip
The various steadicam mounting systems now available enable smooth tracking shots to be achieved in circumstances where a track and dolly would be either impossible or impractical – but never assume a steadicam can go anywhere
Split Tailgate: Generic Risk Assessment
August 9, 2024217.3 KB
Cameras and Grip
Incorrect placement of equipment can lead to difficulty in operating the vehicle. Distraction can lead to collision with other road users, pedestrians or road furniture, and crew may be occupying the crumple zone of the vehicle making them more vulnerable if there is an impact.
Contributor Mental Health: Generic Risk Assessment
August 9, 202430.7 KB
Contributor Wellbeing
Contributing to or participating in certain types of production carries risks to mental health and psychological wellbeing over and above the normal exposure to workplace stress.
Lighting: Generic Risk Assessment
August 10, 202432.5 KB
Lighting carries many potential risks including those associated with heat, electrocution, falling from height and falling equipment.
Offices: Generic Risk Assessment
August 11, 202434 KB
Offices and Homeworking
Employers have responsibilities for the health and safety of their employees and any visitors to their premises such as customers, suppliers and the general public.
Work Experience: Generic Risk Assessment
August 11, 202432.2 KB
Crew Welfare
A lack of familiarity to the environment and lack of risk awareness may result in bad practice or injury.
Scaffolding: Generic Risk Assessment
August 11, 202432.6 KB
Equipment and Machinery
Scaffolding may be required to create a temporary structure or platform. Scaffolding should always be designed and built by competent and trained people.
Firearms: Generic Risk Assessment
August 11, 202431.2 KB
Firearms and Weapons
Activities involving firearms and must be strictly controlled, even when using replicas.
Courts: Filming Checklist
August 18, 2024371.9 KB
Journalism, Location Filming
Anyone can watch proceedings from within the Crown Court, but under section 41 of the Criminal Justice Act 1925 and the Contempt of Court Act 1981, filming and recording in the Crown Court is only allowed under certain circumstances.
CDM Checklist
August 22, 202450.2 KB
Construction, Design and Management Regulations: Client Checklist
A Blank Risk Assessment Template
October 16, 202462.1 KB
A blank Risk Assessment template, ready for use.
Method Statement Template
October 16, 202489.1
A blank Method Statement template, ready to download and complete.
Serious Incident Protocol
October 21, 202441.6
Accidents and incidents
Serious incidents need to be handled carefully and thoroughly. There’s significant potential for HSE enforcement, prosecution or civil action, so a thorough and methodical process should be followed to make sure all points have been covered. Here is a template to help you get started.
Accident Report Form
October 21, 202460.2 KB
Accidents and incidents
Accident reporting template.
Filming With Helicopters Checklist
October 21, 2024132.2 KB
A planning Checklist to help identify production’s responsibilities when filming with helicopters.
Balloons, Blimps and Airships - Planning Checklist
October 21, 202426.5
A Checklist to help Production Plan for shoots using Hot Air Balloons, Blimps or Airships.
Filming in an asbestos containing location - planning checklist
October 21, 202455.7
Location Filming
A Planning check list for Productions to utilise when filming in locations with asbestos.
Health and Safety File Template
October 21, 202466.3
A template to assist productions in creating their CDM health and safety file, ensuring that anyone undertaking future work on a structure or site is informed of the significant health and safety risks that may arise.
Confined Space- Generic Risk Assessment
October 21, 202461.9 KB
A generic Risk Assessment for working within an environment. A confined space is both enclosed or largely enclosed and has a reasonably foreseeable specified risk to workers of: fire, explosion, loss of consciousness, asphyxiation or drowning,
Chemicals and Chemical Solutions- Generic Risk Assessment
October 21, 202429.2 KB
Hazardous Substances
Supporting Actors- Generic Risk Assessment
October 21, 2024214.1
Contributor Welfare
A generic Risk Assessment for supporting Actors on set.
Fitness to Participate Form
October 21, 202459.4 KB
Contributor Welfare
A fitness to participate form to help productions access the health and wellbeing needs of an individual to be involved with production’s activities.
Mental Health and Psychological Wellbeing Checklist
October 21, 202464.3 KB
Contributor Welfare
A checklist for productions to help assess the mental health and psychological wellbeing of their contributors and the support they have in place.
Generator Safety Checklist
October 21, 202457.2 KB
BS7909 Completion Certificate
October 21, 202441.4 KB
This Certificate, shows the results of inspections and tests carried out on the temporary distribution described.
Abrasive Wheels Checklist
October 23, 202422.1 KB
Equipment and Machinery
A safety checklist for the use of abrasive wheels.
Ladders and Step Ladders Checklist
October 23, 202456.2
Equipment and Machinery
A checklist for the safe use of ladders and stepladders.
Mobile Crane Checklist
October 23, 202473 KB
Equipment and Machinery
A planning checklist for the safe set up and operation of mobile cranes.
Mobile Scaffold/Zip up Towers- Generic Risk Assessment
October 23, 202432.8 KB
Equipment and Machinery
A generic Risk Assessment template for the use of mobile scaffolds/Zip up Towers.
Food Preparation- Generic Risk Assessment
October 23, 202443.9 KB
Facilities and Unit Management
A generic risk assessment template covering the preparation of food for consumption.
Location Lighting Checklist
October 23, 202460.1 KB
Domestic Properties- Filming checklist
October 23, 202458.9 KB
Location Filming
A checklist covering safety considerations for filming in a domestic premises.
Roads and Motorway Filming Checklist
October 23, 202460 KB
Location Filming
A checklist to help productions carryout filming on roads and motorways safely.
Hospital Filming Checklist
October 23, 202468.1 KB
Location Filming
A checklist to assist productions when filming in a hospital or medical setting.
Location Inspection Checklist
October 23, 202470.1 KB
Location Filming
A safety checklist for general location filming.
Ports Checklist
October 23, 202460.1 KB
Location Filming
A checklist for filming at Ports and Dockyards.
Railways and Underground Filming Checklist
October 23, 202461.6 KB
Location Filming
A filming checklist for filming at railway stations and underground.
Schools: Checklist
October 23, 202460.2 KB
Location Filming
A safety checklist for filming in Schools.
COVID Employee Declaration Form
October 23, 202482.8 KB
Homeworker Questionnaire
October 23, 202449.4 KB
Offices and Homeworking
A questionnaire is to assist in safeguarding the health and safety of employees whilst working from home.
Production Start Up Meeting Checklist
October 23, 202457.7 KB
Production Start Up
A template checklist for a production start up meeting.
Working Abroad: Checklist
October 23, 202460.2 KB
A checklist to help plan the health and safety requirements for a shoot abroad.
Driver Declaration
October 23, 202452.5 KB
Vehicles and Driving
Driver declaration form, for employee’s driving for work.
Driving: Generic Risk Assessment
October 23, 2024214.5
Vehicles and Driving
Filming with vehicles: Checklist
October 23, 202460.6
Vehicles and Driving
A checklist for the filming of and from vehicles.
Outside Broadcast Vehicles: Checklist
October 23, 202460.8 KB
Vehicles and Driving
A safety checklist for the use of an outside broadcast vehicle.
Inland Waterways Checklist
October 23, 202462.6 KB
A checklist for filming on or near inland waterways.
Filming at Sea: Checklist
October 23, 2024377.1
A checklist for filming at sea.
Diving: Generic Risk Assessment
October 23, 202432.8 KB
A generic risk assessment for diving.
Office Checklist
October 28, 202464.8 KB
Offices and Homeworking
A checklist to help manage all aspects of office safety.
Construction: Generic Risk Assessment
October 28, 2024187.2 KB
A generic Risk Assessment for construction activities.
Fire and Emergency Procedure: Checklist
October 28, 202463.1
Fire Management
A checklist to help evaluate the emergency provisions available to Production and to plan additional controls as required.
Motorsport Circuits: Generic Risk Assessment
October 28, 202462.1 KB
Location Filming, Events
A generic Risk Assessment for the filming of Motorsports.
Hot Air Balloons: Checklist
October 28, 2024361.6 KB
A planning check list for safe filming using a hot air balloon
Construction Health and Safety Checklist
October 28, 2024424.5 KB
This checklist identifies some of the common hazards found on construction sites, and for maintenance work. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list as the hazards will vary on each project. However the list may be of assistance when inspecting the site.
Handtools: Generic Risk Assessment
October 28, 2024214.6 KB
Equipment and Machinery
A generic Risk Assessment for the use of handtools.
Ladder Inspection: Checklist
October 28, 202454.5 KB
Equipment and Machinery
A pre-use checklist for ladders and stepladders.
Snow Effects: Generic Risk Assessment
October 28, 202432.3 KB
A generic risk assessment for the use of snow effects on productions.
Events Emergency Cascade
October 30, 202444 KB
Events, Emergency Planning
A template for an Events Emergency Procedure.
MEWPs Cross-Industry Guidance
November 30, 20241.7 MB
Equipment and Machinery
Cross-industry guidance re use of MEWPs in Film and TV that may assist in ensuring that lifting operations on their projects are carried out safely and in compliance with best practice and legal requirements.
Accommodation Safety checklist
January 7, 202556.2
Crew Welfare, Contributor Welfare
A safety checklist for overnight accommodation.
Microlights, Gliders, Hang Gliders, Paragliders Filming Checklist
January 7, 202559.6
A check list for the planning and filming using Microlights, Gliders, Hang Gliders, or Paragliders.
New and Expectant Mother's Questionnaire
January 13, 20250.00 KB
Contributor Wellbeing, Crew Welfare, Contributor Welfare, Pregnancy and Parenthood
A questionnaire to be completed by a new or expectant mothers to assist with identifying hazards to them within their existing roles.
New and Expectant Mother's Risk Assessment
January 13, 20250.00 KB
Contributor Wellbeing, Crew Welfare, Pregnancy and Parenthood
A generic risk assessment for new and expectant mother’s.
Studios: Inspection Checklist
January 15, 20250.00 KB
A safety walk around checklist for use in studios.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) Part 1: Assessment Questionnaire
January 16, 20250.00 KB
Fire Management, Emergency Planning
A questionnaire to be completed by the individual requiring the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan or their access co-ordinator.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) Part 2
January 16, 20255.1
Fire Management, Emergency Planning
A template procedure form for completing and recording a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)
UK General Terms and Conditions
February 19, 2025132KB